Eco Evitsel Liquid

Eco Evitsel Liquid


It is used as 1 ml per 80 kg live weight in cattle. & nbsp;

Each 40 kg for ovine and calf. It is used as 1 ml for live weight.

It is used by adding 1 liter to 4,000 liters of drinking water in poultry.

For chicks (up to 21 days), it is used by adding 1 liter to 2,000 liters of drinking water.

  • Category: Oral Vitamin & Mineral
  • Description

Benefits: & nbsp;

ECO EVITSEL is used in poultry such as chicken turkey chick.

ECO EVITSEL Used in animals such as lambs, calves, cattle and ovine.

ECO EVITSEL helps repair damaged muscles.

ECO EVITSEL prevents collapse.

ECO EVITSEL strengthens the immune system.

ECO EVITSEL delays aging.

ECO EVITSEL corrects Vitamin E and Selenium deficiencies. & nbsp;

ECO EVITSEL acts as an antioxidant.

ECO EVITSEL can be used easily by adding to drinking water.


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